On Freedom of Speech and Islam
The fundamental issue, listening to the dispute between Muslims and those who are speaking for western civilization, is that there are three views:
- Freedom of Speech is absolute, even if it means you offend someone else's beliefs
- Freedom of Speech is nice-to-have, but it would be best if you censored yourself and avoid offending Muslim society
- Muslim law is paramount
The second of these is the pansy response, as can be found in the responses of the foreign ministers of Canada, Britain and the spokesman of the President of the United States. The speakers of these statements are either too terrified of the risk of speaking against Islam, or are trying to have it both ways, when it isn't possible.
The first of these is the correct view for the future of western civilization. As I have posited before, there is a fundamental dispute between Islam and the free democratic society that is western civilization. The separation of religion from the state as occurred during the Enlightenment was the step that allowed western civilization to create the idea of Free Speech. Islam has not had an "Enlightenment". There has never been a separation of mosque and state, and in many states they are one in the same (Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc). Islam claims to preach peace, but the displayed anger and hate for Jews, Christians and Hindus show that Islam has not yet developed a sense of fairness. Islamic scholars still speak of "the infidels" the way that the Catholic church did during the Middle Ages at the time of the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition. Western Civilization has overcome this view and provides for Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech. Muslim nations do not allow either of these in any sense of the word freedom. It is illegal to openly practice other religions in many Muslim countries.
Therefore, I have two messages for anyone who is offended by the publication of the Muhammed cartoons, or anyone who feels that western civilization should back down on questions of freedom:
- We, the citizens of the civilized free nations, will defend that freedom. If you don't want to live in a society that allows others free to offend your faith, perhaps you should live somewhere else.
- If you expect us to show more respect towards your faith, perhaps you should consider showing more respect for the faiths of non-muslims. We give you the freedom to practice your religion in our nations; perhaps you should consider reciprocating.