Musings of the Technical Bard

A place for me to expound on the issues of the day, including my proposals for how to FIX CANADA.

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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30 April 2007

Proof that Equalization is Broken

M. Charest is going to cut taxes in Quebec based on increased monies from Ottawa. Quebec currently spends more per capita on programs than any other province, with the possible exception of Alberta (where the government never saw a dime it wouldn't spend). And the federal government continues to pour money into Quebec to ostensibly help it "provide similar services" to those available in other provinces...

Quebec already provides more services to it's citizens at higher cost than other provinces do. And it has the highest debt load per capita. Why should I, a taxpayer of Canada support handing them more money just so they can lower their taxes.

The first thing that should happen is that each jurisdiction in Canada that spends money should be forced to raise it. There should be limited "transfer" of monies from one level of government to another, because this is simple obfuscation - adding layers between the taxpayers who have to cough up the dough and the politicians and civil servants who "sell" the services to them.

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The Conservative Green Plan - Stupid Idea #1

Replacing incandescent light bulbs with lower power alternatives is a good idea. Banning them when the best alternative currently available is a compact fluorescent is very bad public policy. There are two reasons for this.

First, compact fluorescent bulbs each contain approximately 5 milligram of elemental mercury vapour. As I'm sure you are aware, mercury is highly toxic. If you break one in your house there is some risk to you. It could be very expensive to clean up.

Second - try getting a fluorescent bulb to light up outside at -30°C... they don't work very well cold - so you will still need incandescent bulbs outdoors - of course if they are illegal it could jsut be very dark.

Here's to hoping light emitting diode technology gets cheap and easier to produce very quickly.

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02 April 2007

Biofuels are not the answer

Interesting post on Slashdot today that pointed to a few items in the MSM around the world on why biofuels are not the answer.

First, and article from the Guardian in the UK last week showing the very negative environmental footprint that biodiesel production is having, particularly in the developing world. Rainforests are being cut down to grow oil palms, from which biodiesel can easily be produced. A lesson in unintended consequences for the environmentalists, I'd say.

Second, a link to an article in ScienceNews from last July showing that biofuel production drives up the price of food... As I pointed out previously, this can't be a good thing from any of us, particularly the poor.

Also - through these found a good link to what can only be described as an environmentalist anti-biofuel site.