Musings of the Technical Bard

A place for me to expound on the issues of the day, including my proposals for how to FIX CANADA.

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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17 September 2005

What is wrong with Calgarians?

How is it that the people of Calgary as a generic whole vote in Conservative members both federally and provincially, yet elect tax and spend Liberals to run the city???

Mayor Dave Bronconnier wasted $67,000 of taxpayers money this last week sending out a pamplet to every household in the city, and airing radio commercials of him sending a message. The message?

That the federal government collects 67% of the taxes from the city of Calgary, the province collects 29%, and the city collects only 5% to pay for all the city's services. And that because of this the city should get more money from the other levels of government....

OK - first lie laid bare: The city may only collect 5% of the total tax revenue, but the city receives vast portion of the budget from the province in grants, and large infusions from both provincial and federal governments for infrastructure funding.

Second - certain services in the city, such as education and health care are not paid for AT ALL by the municipal government.

Third - Bronco claims the city needs more money. Yet they've raised property taxes 5% this year, and promise to raise them 14% over the next 3 years.

Fourth - During the last 10 years that Edmonton and Ottawa were tightening belts, the City of Calgary did not ONCE reduce expenditure in any department or reducing staffing.

So Dave: The message to you is to find ways to spend LESS money, not demand more.


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