Things Mr. Harper SHOULD be doing...
As opposed to the increasing spending put forth by the Conservative government, the federal government should be quickly and drastically "desocializing" the nation, by reducing government involvement in as many sectors of the economy as possible. This would include:
See this article by Murray Rothbard from 1992...
- Health care
- Business regulation (ie. bank mergers, the CRTC, foreign investment reviews)
- Native reserve funding
- Social handouts
- education
See this article by Murray Rothbard from 1992...
I would agree with one exception. What you're talking about is impossible given the current political situation.
1. We have a minority government
2. We have to deal with 3 left leaning parties.
It's a recipe for not getting everything that you want done.
Time for a majority government
While I would generally agree, the position of the Conservative government (weak minority) is such that they basically can't do anything but what they are. Minority governments are bigger governments. This is why proportional representation leads to bigger government.
As such, I can't really fault the government for doing what it's doing, even though I don't like it. Only majority governments can truly be held responsible for their behaviour.
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