Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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19 October 2005

Does Dingwall think we are that stupid?

David Dingwall, the former Liberal cabinet minister, and recently resigned head of the Royal Canadian Mint, declared on Wednesday before a parliamentary committee that the money he consumed in his $747,000 expense account wasn't taxpayer funds, but was taken from the net revenue of the Mint.

Now, the Mint is a Crown Corporation. Meaning it is owned by the Government of Canada. Which means that it is essentially owned for the benefit of the Canadian people. The taxpayers.

Just because Dingwall turned the mint into a profitable venture doesn't mean the profits belong to him. The profits still belong to the shareholder - the Government of Canada, and by proxy the TAXPAYERS.

So Mr. Dingwall - you did spend taxpayers money. It may have been profits earned on taxpayer money invested in the Mint's operations, but it's STILL OURS!!!!


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