Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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07 June 2006

The downside of job security

Neil Reynolds uses the current evidence from around the world to show that government imposed "job security" provisions are detrimental to business hiring people and reducing unemployment.

Protecting workers right out of a job

Freidrich Hayek pointed this out in The Road to Serfdom in 1944.  Why do governments (and the people - such as in France) still not get it???


Blogger Ira said...

vhPerhaps they don't care. It could be that they simply prefer a stagnant economy.

I've heard the same from Saskatchewan people. They insist that they prefer a slower-paced economy where everyone has a safety net. After all, if they wanted a stronger economy, there's one right next to them; they could move.

Alterntaely, you could look at it as the employed voting themselves benefits at the expense of the unemployed. Job security has value is that it's not terribly stressful. If the employed decide to guarantee their own job security at the expense of the unemployed minority, that's just majority tyranny. It's the same reasoning behind progressive taxation.

Oh, and it's "Friedrich".

08 June, 2006 11:44  

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