Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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26 September 2006

An Example of how Liberals don't understand overtaxation

Yesterday, the Government of Canada announced it was going to cut $2 Billion dollars in program spending because it did not see value in the programs in question.

Liberal Finance Critic John McCallum, a former bank economist, was quoted as saying:
"Why in the world do we have to cut those programs on the same day that the government is announcing a $13-billion surplus?"
To Mr. McCallum, any money the government has should be spent by the government. In his mind EVERY program the government can imagine is a good program.

Fortunately for Canada, the current government knows that some programs are a waste of money or worse, they are bad for the country. Some of the programs cut this week are in that latter grouping (particularly the Court Challenges Program).

Congrats to the Government for having some guts. Now take it a step further and get the government out of a number of other things...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A surplus sounds much nice to Liberals then the truth that it's really "OverTaxation" , the Gomery report and Chretiens own statements
show that the Corruption was a mind set based on thinking that all taxes paid to the Government is "THEIR" money.
It's OUR money John , and just because Canada was doing well and we had surplus's didn't excuse away the overt stealing of OUR money to funnel back to Liberal Election campaign.

They still don't get it , Liberal's are once again talking
about how Canadians will elect them back into power as the Party of Canada, the denial stage is much like a spousal abuser that finally see the spouse leave but then laughs at them because they'll come back for the security and protection from people worse than them.

26 September, 2006 22:07  
Blogger Ira said...

The correct reponse to the Liberals is this:

"We're not cutting the program because we have to. It's not that we've been backed into a corner by our own largess and have no choice but to cut something. We're cutting the program because it's a waste of money.

The government should spend whatever money it needs to; it should not spend whatever money it can.

28 September, 2006 11:20  

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