Musings of the Technical Bard

A place for me to expound on the issues of the day, including my proposals for how to FIX CANADA.

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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06 December 2005

On Child Care Philosophies

So, the Conservatives want to give parents the choice of how to raise their children. Which means that they want to give parents the options of having one parent stay home, or private day care in a small or large setting, or public day care where available via a provincial government. This plan taken the provincial governments right out of the equation because no government to government transfers occur and no squabbling about jurisdiction need happen.

The Liberals on the other hand want to give money directly to publicly operated (or at least regulated) day cares. Which means they don't want parents to have a choice. They want parents to put their children into institutional care. They do not want parents to have little Johnny taken care of by an aunt, grandmother, friend, or god-forbid mom or dad.

My big question for Paul Martin on this issue is:

How much money are you going to set aside for a future generation of children to be paid off when they launch a class action suit against the government for mistreatment in the institutional day cares? It happened in the residential schools - some kids got abuse but they all get paid off. Think that is impossible with millions of Canadian children being cared for by bureaucrats?

I don't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it they say -- a foolish man is someone who does the same thing over and over and expects different results.

They placed our aboriginal children in institutions (for their own good - to prepare them for the future) and look at the results they got.

Now they tell us the first 3 years of a childs life is their most impressionable, so we should put them in governments run institutions so they can have a good foundation for the furture. Do they expect to get different results this time?

Because we know that the first three years are the most impressionable we should be doing everything we can as a society to allow the child a maximum amount of time with their parents, so they will be ready to handle the school system at age 5 and 6.

If they do need to be in Day care, we need to encourage employers to provide these centers, where parents are close and can see what quality care their child is getting. Harpers plan has money available for employers to set up day care facilities.

Communities could create drop in centers, where the parent is highly involved (not unionized workers).

As a parent, I should be the one to decide if the quality and care is good enough for my child, not some government program.

06 December, 2005 22:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's "insanity" that is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

(I think that this is attributed to Einstein.)

. . .and insanity may be a more applicable judgement on the liberal re-hashed plan.

07 December, 2005 05:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Liberal Daycare plan is strategic planning in its most sinister form. It is their opportunity to raise "Paul's Children" who will be firmly committed to their liberal father image. The teacher's will be liberal because of their union's unspoken contract with liberals at the provincial level and liberal values will be preached.
It is reminiscent of the movie "Hitler's Children" where very small children, in the care of the state were indoctrinated with National Socialism values.

07 December, 2005 06:37  

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