Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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14 June 2006

McGuinty's Nuclear Ambitions

Ontario wants Ottawa to guarantee reactors' costs

Dalton: The answer is NO.  You are the one choosing to shutdown your existing coal fired power plants and replacing them with nuclear.  The federal government did not impose this.  The taxpayers of Ontario should carry the burden of your decisions, not the taxpayers of all the other provinces.  Would you support a federal government guarantee on the cost of the oil sands plants if it meant higher federal taxes for Ontarians?  I don't think so.

If you want a better nuclear power plant with better cost outcomes, put the project out for competitive bid.  Lump sum turnkey would be the best choice.  Let the various nuclear technologies fight it out in a competitive marketplace.  This will provide the best result.


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