Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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31 October 2006

America Alone

I have just completed Mark Steyn's tome, America Alone, the End of the World as We Know It. I recommend this book to EVERYONE, regardless of political persuasion.

Steyn lays our clearly that western civilization may be doomed by it's own social-welfare state policies and the consequences of same.

The difference in birthrate between western nations and Islamic states is startling and the fact of the matter is Europe may be majority muslim during this century. Do you think liberal democracy in Europe has a chance of surviving a majority who follow imams show preach hatred of infidels? Steyn doesn't think so and I must agree with him.

The other key aspect of Steyn's arguments is that Western Civilization has lost the will to fight for what it's values need to be in order to survive. Multiculturalism and tolerance will not protect free speech or freedom of religion. They cannot if a significant a growing part of the population despises everything that the West stands for. Allowing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect an imam who preaches what can only be described as treasonous behaviour is ludicrous if we have any hope of survival in the next 100 years.

After reading Steyn, it also frustrates me that we are arguing over things like "climate change" when it may be irrelevant if the next century ushers in a new "dark ages", and industrial civilization collapses in the face of a seventh-century ideology. We need the ideology of freedom to stand up for itself and fight this battle.

The big question is, what ideals are you willing to fight for, to send your sons into combat for? If there is nothing, then you must be willing to let the enemy win.


Blogger Ira said...

Like socialism, multicultural tolerance is based on the fiction that everyone is nice to each other all of the time.

But we're not. Given free will, altruism is actually impossible. If the muslims think our existence is evil, they will try to destroy us. The only way to stop that is to change their minds or destroy them first.

In many respects, we are changing their minds. The spread of freedom and prosperity in the middle east should make great strides, but even in that respect we'll face the opposition of tolerant apologists who'll cry of cultural genocide and the freedom to live among poverty and decay.

31 October, 2006 14:17  

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