Musings of the Technical Bard

A place for me to expound on the issues of the day, including my proposals for how to FIX CANADA.

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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02 October 2006

Public opinion is wrong on Afghanistan

So the Canadian public wants us out of Afghanistan : Most Canadians believe Afghan mission a lost cause: survey

So, the Canadian public thinks we should stop fighting the Taliban and let them return Afghanistan to a strict sharia-based society where women and girls are second-class humans who don't deserve an education, where individual freedoms are meaningless and personal investigations into anything from science to philosophy to religion or politics is verboten...

The problem is that the fight in Afghanistan is a significant front in the War.  This War is not George Bush's War on Terror.  This is the War between Civilization and Barbarism.  There is no negotiable, touchy-feely way to solve this situation.  If you believe in freedom of speech, thought, religion and all that goes with it, you cannot disagree with this war.  If you are ok with intolerance and totalitarianism, then you can be against it.

Which side are you on?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is the average Canadian is very ignorant.

02 October, 2006 11:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public opinion is what gets you voted into office, so does it matter if it is wrong or right or whatever?

Stop kissing up to Israel and it supporters and watch the numbers come back up.

02 October, 2006 15:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a constant negative message being sent out day after day, week after week, year after year by the MSM and their allies what would you expect?

02 October, 2006 16:04  
Blogger Technical Bard said...

Public opinion can be wrong if it is short-sighted. It may get you the government you deserve, but not the one that is going to deal with the real long term problems. Chamberlain was elected by the people but it took the unpopular Churchill to do the right job.

05 October, 2006 21:06  
Blogger Ira said...

You're wrong. Tolerance has to include the tolerance of intolerance. If you're intolerant toward intolerant, then you're just imposing your society on them.

Freedom includes the freedom to give away your freedoms - individual freedom is incompatible with inalienable rights.

11 October, 2006 10:50  

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