Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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04 November 2006

Indigo (Reisman) limiting book availability?

I was in my local Chapters bookstore today, partly because I was curious whether reports I had seen on the net were true. These regarded whether Mark Steyn's new book, America Alone, was available in these stores.

The answer was "No". I also inquired about a number of other conservative-minded authors, such as Oriana Fallaci. Again, "No". A young staffer offered to assist, and after searching on the computer, concluded that:
We don't have it in stock, and we can't order it. No stores in Alberta have those books. You should try Amazon
I don't think that is what Ms. Reismann wants her staff to be doing... I think she doesn't want Canadians to read these texts because they go against her political leanings.

There were however, lots of anti-Bush books on the shelves...

UPDATE: America Alone is now #2 on the best sellers list... Canadians are reading it!!!!


Blogger WE Speak said...

Paul Wells seems to be suffering the same fate.

04 November, 2006 17:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have given up on Chapters, I buy all my books online. It's sad that this story didn't get more play in the MSM. I guess it's ok to censor conservative ideas. Imagine the uproar if an Atwood book was cencored by Chapters.

05 November, 2006 07:51  
Blogger Ira said...

But Reisman has earned the power to do this - it's her store. She can sell whatever she likes.

In fact, it's such a good liberataran position, I suspect Steyn himself would approve.

06 November, 2006 17:41  

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