Musings of the Technical Bard

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20 December 2005

Anti-American Bias at the CBC

I oh so wish there were a text version of these comments on the CBC website...

This morning, Colleen Jones was doing the weather and in her usually banter before actually talking about the weather itself, she talked about the fact that today (20 December) is that last day of autumn. Then she laughs and says

"of course it feels like we've had winter for weeks. Perhaps we should ignore those Americans and get a calendar of our own"

This is a ridiculous piece of American-bashing that isn't based in any way on facts... The calendar - or rather the dates that signify the change of seasons is based upon the tilt of the earth's axis and the position of the earth around the sun. It has NOTHING to do with the United States whatsoever.

The only reason Ms. Jones could possibly have for such a ridiculous statement is to make Canadians dislike the Americans - and by extension dislike the Conservative Party...

Privatize the CBC. In the 1000 channel universe, it is no longer required.


Blogger OMMAG said...

Colleen Jones... Not surprising!

I've been watching this lame excuse for a weather and sports commentator for years. While many people may like or even love her inane banter/blather I have often found it really annoying. And many is the time I've asked myself "Why do they keep her?"

The upshot is that I seldom bother to turn on CBC news in the morning because I can't stand the constant interjections of the on-air staff.

And for the most part the rest of the Media is just as bad.

Even in the non-politcal area of the Weather Network....they had a pair of twits go on and on last year about some snow in SW Ontario and what a difficult thing it was to have to put on boots and mits and brush the snow off the car.

The fact that they were on a Nationally televised program apparently Not registering on them....meanwhile people from Abbotsford to St.Johns were probably laughing their asses off at the pair who seemed not to understand that they live In Canada where we have least Ms. Jones knows that much!

So what's the point?
Collen Jones is not to be taken seriously ( Unless you want ulcers ) and their are many others on both Canadian and US television who are just as empty headed!

20 December, 2005 10:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The existence and persistence of certain CBC on-air "personalities" is a continuing mystery. Perhaps the answer might be found if the question "who's married to/sleeping with whom?" were asked.

The grating Jones, curling skill notwithstanding, has been called by some where I work "the big bag of teeth."

20 December, 2005 13:57  

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