Musings of the Technical Bard

A place for me to expound on the issues of the day, including my proposals for how to FIX CANADA.

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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11 December 2005

Liberals don't trust Canadians

As stated by Scott Reid and John Duffy on the CBC and CTV on Sunday 11 December, the Liberal Party doesn't like the Conservative child care plan because they fear that Canadians might choose to spend the money how they see fit.

The problem is that the Liberal Party doesn't trust you. Or me. They think that the only way to raise a child is in a government regulated and operated day care.

They don't trust parents. They fear parents caring for their own children because it means the parents can teach the children their own beliefs. In government regulated care the Liberal party can ensure children learn Liberal beliefs.

As Warren Kinsella posted today, if this doesn't give Canadian parents a reason to vote against the Liberals, I can't imagine what would.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's next are the liberals going to tell us how to spend our child tax benefit cheques as well ?? Where will it stop ? The liberals want to be able to tell your pre-schooler about all the great differant kinds of families out there....daddies and daddies and mommies and mommies.....and stuff that should be left up to parents to tell. If this liberal party is re-elected, I WILL spend all my money on something alot harder than beer !

12 December, 2005 00:29  
Blogger Wazoo said...

It just comes down to the difference in thinking between the Left and the Right.

The Left have an air of entitlement about them right now. They SHOULD be in charge, because only THEY know what's good and what's proper for you.

What do YOU know? You're just a waitress or a truck driver or a mechanic. You can't possibly understand the needs and wants of an entire nation. Only WE know how best to spend YOUR money.

It's that attitude that prevails in every statement coming from the Liberal party, from the top right on down to the bottom.

It's been 12-14 years that they've been in power, and this is the BEST they have to offer?!

The choice is clear.

13 December, 2005 15:48  

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