Musings of the Technical Bard

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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08 January 2006

"We stand for the state" says Dosanjh

has picked up on a very telling comment from Ujjal Dosanjh (the current Liberal health minister):
"We stand for the state," said Dosanjh. "The state can do good in people's lives. Mr. Harper doesn't (believe that)."
Now we all knew that, but it's rare to hear a Liberal say that out loud. Mr. Harper should jump on this statement, particularly in the English debate. Challenge Mr. Martin on the statements of Mr. Reid, Mr. Duffy and Mr. Dosanjh.

Harper should point blank quote these Liberals and then ask Mr. Martin whether he trusts Canadians to make choices in their own lives, or whether the state should make those choices for everyone. And then ask if Mr. Martin thinks other ideas of Karl Marx should be implemented in Canada...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad idea. Throwing accusations that aren't easily believable (the Liberals are Marxist) can only hurt the Conservative campaign. Even if they're true.

This happened last election when the Conservatives accused Paul Martin of supporting child pornography. In principle, what they were saying was true, but it was such a "way-out-there" thing to say that no one took them seriously and they lost a lot of credibility.

Furthermore, most Canadians AGREE with Mr. Dosanjh. The best Conservative tactic here is to ignore the accusation that they oppose state power.

09 January, 2006 13:02  

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